BEAR MARKET Will be at The Crown and Anchor for both SUNDAY & Thursday JULY 13th & 17th 10am-4pm at 

As we have in the past we are not charging vendors to be part of the market we just ask for a donation at the end of the day that we will pool together and give to local charities or local non profits. Most vendors in the past give around 5% of what they made that day. We've raised over $28,500 for SKIP and other local charities since we began in 2010. Both venues do not charge us for the space since we are also a fundraising effort. 

You can choose to do one of or both of the events - Please follow up your vendor application/registration with an email to with a brief description of your work and 5 or 6 photo's of your work that we can review and also use to promote the event on social media.

Each vendor gets one 8' tabls (some tables are 6') please bring your own table cloth, Each day of the vendor fair is set up as a product here on the site, select the ones you want and add them to your cart and complete the check out to submit your application. Please invoice in the notes in the check out a description of your work. Crown and Anchor down in the center of town where we have had it in the past. Tables will be provided by the venue, there is no parking on site. 

For more information on the Ptown Bears or More info about Provincetown please check out the Ptown Bears website 

Load in and set up will begin at 7am, for vendors to arrive and begin loading in and setting up. Tables and chairs should already be in place. Please find parking on your own at the Crown since they do not have any parking. The staff at the venue will be setting up the tents & tables in the courtyard & club and removing all the speakers and gogo boxes in the Paramount, so please wait for them to finish before starting set up. 

I will announce via email & online when Registration is closed and when we are full. We will have a Wait List for any vendors that didn't make registration in time, if we have any cancellations (whch does happen)

VENDOR REQUIREMENTS - (& Vendor code of conduct noted below that you agree to by submitting your vendor registration) 

Each vendor may only have (1) ONE space on each day of the market - if you select more than one in the checkout it will be changed back to one, we do undertand a few vendors do need a tad more space than that and we will do everything we can to fit everyone in.  "Bear Week Provincetown", "Bear Week Ptown", "Provincetown Bears", and "Ptown Bears" are all registered trademarks of the Provincetown Bears.  Any commercial use of these trademark names, on any sort of items (included but not limited to T-shirts, hats etc) must have prior approval"  get in contact with The Ptown Bears for more information, or please contact Shane at

You must be the Person that makes the items You are selling. You will also be responsible for dealing with state tax requirements, State health codes, and poses a state resale tax ID number/certificate. 

YOU are responsible for registering with the state and paying any Mass state sales tax on your sales if that applies to you and your work, & if you plan to sell food of any kind proper permits are required & available on request, please let me know and I can forward the application to you. Book Readings or any other types of performances at your table are not permitted. Please contact us for more information or if you have any questions. 

TERMS AND CONDITIONS (With Applying/Registering for the VENDOR Fair you agree to the following)

I agree to abide by the rules established by the Crown and Anchor for Proper Conduct of Business.

I will do NOTHING to deface, mar or damage resort property. (Nothing Fastened to Wall or Ceiling without Permission) 

I Understand that the Property Owners cannot provide ANY security for my Merchandise or Property before/during/after the Market.

I will make my OWN security arrangements for my Merchandise before/during/after the Market.

Parking is not aviable at the venue so you agree to make other arrangements.

I WILL NOT display porn, adult toys or other items not suitable for minors - our event is open to the public and subject to town laws and regulations. 

I agree to the Market HOURS - Opening at 10AM and Ending at 4pm (& WE MUST BE OUT BEFORE 5pm)

I agree to work well with ALL other vendors and work PEACEFULLY and Help in any way I can to make it a successful event.

I Understand that SHANE RUFF STUDIOS has FINAL say on vendor placement in the space - and WILL make necessary changes as they come up.

I WILL Maintain my booth and surrounding area CLEAN and ORDERLY & Conduct Business in Compliance Business Laws and Within the Laws of the State of Massachusetts DOR & not hold Shane Ruff Studios liable for any issues that arise from your participation in the event.

I agree to NOT SUBLET my space to ANYONE. 

I AGREE that these rules must be observed and if not you WILL be removed from the premises. 

EACH MARKET IS IT'S OWN PRODUCT PROFILE - Please Register for each day separately - then to complete your registration you much complete the check out process like in a regular on-line shop - there is no payment or credit card needed. If you have any questions or problems email 

Thank you. 

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2 of 2 Items